About ME
A Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach & Certified Digestive Health Specialist.
I was a 21 year old Mechatronics Technician (I know, weird word) and basically I worked on machines doing electrical, mechanical, and programming work. In the summer of 2018 we were required to work over 60 a week to meet demands. Fast food, stress, and fatigue increased in my life and as a consequence sleep, social life, and health decreased. As a result, I developed Leaky Gut, Candida Overgrowth, malabsorption of the minuscule amount of nutrients in my fast food, and a decimated immune system causing inflammation to spread like a wildfire through my body. I felt like the life was draining from me. I was in my prime, so why did I feel like crawling into my deathbed?? I saw doctors and naturalists. But. Nothing. Worked.
Finally, I realized that just like the code in the machine I worked on told it how to function, my food was the code that told my body how to function. So over the past few years, I’ve done the research, performed the tests on myself and finally found my way back to feeling better than I did at 21! I’ve honed in my health and nutrition needs, restored my health, and now I continue to optimize my health so I can always be at my PeakLyfe!
I want the same for you too! Nothing makes me happier than sharing my knowledge with others so they can become the best they can be and the feel the best they’ve ever felt!